Cassondra Windwalker

Cassondra Windwalker earned a BA of Letters from the University of Oklahoma. Born and raised on the red clay, she's wandered the sticky corn fields of the Midwest, the frozen seas of the Wild North, and frequently rests her wings where orange skies meet purple mountains. She's the author of nine novels (most recently, WHAT HIDES IN THE CUPBOARDS) and three works of poetry, who does her best to keep fed the menagerie of stray critters, cryptids, marooned kelpies, and lost specters that follow wherever she goes. She enjoys interacting with readers, writers, and generally decent humans on social media. You can find her as follows: Twitter @WindwalkerWrite, Instagram @cassondrawindwalker, and YouTube and Facebook @CassondraWindwalkerWrites. Be on the lookout for her next psychological horror, a literary dissection of the epidemic of missing and murdered indigenous women and girls titled GHOST-GIRLS AND RABBITS.