Other Places to Submit Your Work

One big thing for us here at Underdog Press is making sure that we help authors with quality stories that are exciting and different find a place to submit their work.  To help make that happen, we will use this page to post places that are open for submissions.  We will add to this list as we are made aware of new markets.  


Happy Writing!

Wensum - SUBMISSIONS ARE OPEN FOR SPRING 2023. WINDOW CLOSES ON MARCH 17th. We accept submissions for any unpublished short stories or flash fiction that has not appeared in print or online (this includes personal websites and social media). 

Summer of Speculation - Cloaked Press, LLC has a new ongoing summer anthology.  Click the link to check out details.  Happy writing and let us know if you get accepted.

Horror Tree - This site publishes a lot of different genres, not just horror.  If you are looking for another place to send your work check them out.